Let's talk depression

 Hi readers❤❤

It's another weekend again ,is it just me or this January isn't januarying 🤔all other Januarys have always been slow but this one is running like it's owing someone money .

Anyways i want to talk about one major destabilizer of our mental health and that is depression. I know many of us claim that "we're depressed " especially university students (depression here and there) but are we really depressed ?? Recently we were taught depression in my class and the types and symptoms were listed and during that teaching my eyes were opened to some things .

There is a difference between being sad and being depressed but so many people like the term 'depression' because it makes them feel woke .Last year i battled with depression a lot of times , I had suicidal thoughts so many times but thank God i didn't act on them . So many people didn't know i was battling with depression except for one person and that wasn't until the end of the year .

There are people battling with things that we don't even know about , people that saw me last year (friends and family) would never have known what I was going through because i always put on a facade : while i'm with my friends i'm this playful, always talking,smiling human being but when i'm alone ,the mask comes off. I lost weight because I was always thinking ..so many people would see me and they're like "oh you've lost weight " one of the symptoms of depression is loss of appetite (that's the only symptom i didn't experience) i was always eating but i was still looking malnourished.

 I always tell people to check on their extremely happy friends because they might be battling with things out there and they're just putting on a mask like me . One of the mistake i made while i was depressed was thinking prayer alone would work , whenever I'm down I'll just leave my room and go where i can cry to my heart's content and pray and command God to give me joy lol .. Prayer works but this is a mental issue and while you're praying also seek help ,I didn't seek help because i didn't want to bother my friends and they might not even understand the extent of my problems.

I think I'll make this a series so i can tell us about some of the signs and symptoms of depression and share some more of my depression story 😂 

Thanks for reading



  1. The Lord is your strength 🙏

  2. Last year was a lot honestly
    Almost half of the year I was sad and always thinking I swear i thought I’ll run mad at one point😂I don’t like to use the word depression but seeing that I wasn’t eating maybe that was it.
    The truth is we need kinder people in our lives, people we can trust
    I hope you’re better now, please if you ever feel that way talk to someone no matter how difficult it is
    I pray for strength🙏🏼and everything will be better nothing is permanent remember that

  3. This January is boring😭😂
    My dear I hope you’re better now
    Suicidal thoughts?? ahhh🥺 i also realised that talking to someone makes things better even tho I’m not a fan myself sincerely😌

  4. Honestly, depression isn’t a word people should just throw around. It’s serious. So sorry you had to go through it, but there’s always light at the end of the tunnel.

    1. Yes there’s always light at the end
      Dwell on the positive things and try to let go of things that makes you unhappy


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