
Showing posts from February, 2023

Sense of entitlement

 Hi readers😍 It's that time of the week again,how's our weekend going? Mine's pretty boring . This week has been a rollercoaster of events ranging from scarcity of cash,valentine ,rioting in different parts of the country and the one I want to talk about (the video of when a man pays or gives money is when a certain lady can commit). So many times I've noticed some kind of sense of entitlement in ladies and it annoys me . I know some people will say 'don't you like money'? I can assure you that I love money and i'm not opposed to collecting money from the other gender however where it becomes an issue for me is when you think you can tell a man how to spend his money or telling him to give you money before /after you sleep with him.(you're just a glorified hookup girl in the disguise of a girlfriend). I have seen a scenario whereby this girl meets a guy and that same evening she was telling him she needs money to buy clothes (bro if you didn't m

Valentine is coming

 Hi readers😍 You guys !!! I lost my dignity this week precisely on Monday. Let me give you the gist.     On Monday was the induction ceremony of the newly graduated medical students in my school and i went for the reception party with my fellowship members ,on getting there i collected rice,drink and jotter (all good right) .  You guys ...i went back to my hostel in the back of a pick up truck 😂 I'm putting this out here because it's possible you see my video on instablog when I finally blow and my haters want to blackmail me 😪. This is how it happened: my friends were the ones to pack the chairs and other sound instruments we used back to the church so i was waiting for them however by the time i finished waiting there was no school bus again and the other option was to take a bike but bike men said they weren't accepting transfer and there was no cash . What to do ? The pickup truck that was carrying chairs back to the church was there ,that's how my friend and i s

How to achieve some of your goals

 Hi readers 😍 Finally January has ended 🥳🥳 it looked like it wasn't going to .Low key i didn't want january to end because my exams are starting this month😫.Anyways happy new month my lovelies 🥳🥳. With the way things are going in this country ,if you survive each day then you deserve a medal 🏅because Nigeria can now be likened to the kingdom of heaven where only the violent taketh by force ..pheew . At the beginning of this year ,I had some resolutions and some of them seemed impossible for me ,however I thought hard about it and how i was going to achieve some of them then i resolved to breaking it down monthly ,weekly and daily... i.e every month,week,day i had some goals to achieve .   There are some things that you'd want to do and that may seem daunting and you find yourself slacking , I think the best way to approach such situation is to break down those things into daily or weekly tasks. The most important step is for you to write down your goals first .For so