How to achieve some of your goals

 Hi readers 😍

Finally January has ended 🥳🥳 it looked like it wasn't going to .Low key i didn't want january to end because my exams are starting this month😫.Anyways happy new month my lovelies 🥳🥳.

With the way things are going in this country ,if you survive each day then you deserve a medal 🏅because Nigeria can now be likened to the kingdom of heaven where only the violent taketh by force ..pheew .

At the beginning of this year ,I had some resolutions and some of them seemed impossible for me ,however I thought hard about it and how i was going to achieve some of them then i resolved to breaking it down monthly ,weekly and daily... i.e every month,week,day i had some goals to achieve .   There are some things that you'd want to do and that may seem daunting and you find yourself slacking , I think the best way to approach such situation is to break down those things into daily or weekly tasks.

The most important step is for you to write down your goals first .For some of us it might be something as simple as  drinking more water, i'm not proud to say this but soda and fizzy drinks have always had a soft spot in my heart . This year i decided that I'd drink more water and less soda so i decided to break it down to drinking at least 2 sachets of water everyday. I wrote it down and so far so good (konibaje 😉) i've been doing that .

My point is that there is nothing impossible to do (with prayers and hard work) you just have to make an effort and try to build discipline because trust me it isn't going to be easy . If you're someone that once you set out to do something,you just find yourself slacking off HAVE AN ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNER. You'll have someone to be accountable to and it will help push you although you have to make sure the person you're choosing is serious and can push you beyond your limits before you'll turn out to be the one pushing your accountability partner to be serious . Another thing like I have said earlier is to break your goals into micro tasks and that would make it easier.

I love you all and I'll like to know some of the goals you're having issues with in the comment section so we can work on it together and don't forget that you're anonymous so i won't know who sent what .

Thanks for reading



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