Chronicles of lagos married men

 Hi readers😍

How have you all been? I've been stressed guys! nursing science is after my life , I've been writing exams that's why I've been unable to post . Anyways my exam would be finishing next week so I'd be back to you fully.

Lest I forget ,happy new month guys 🥳🥳🥳.

I'm sure some of you are wondering why "chronicles of Lagos married men". Yesternight  my roommates and I were talking about men specifically married men and i just decided to write about the shege I've seen in the hands of married men.

You guys ,if I'd decided to date all the married men that has approached me in this Lagos ehn I'll be living in banana island ,driving a benz ,have my own supermarket by now but fear of God no gree leave me . Asides from fear of God sef my morals wouldn't allow me date someone's husband , anyways I'll be giving you guys gist about some of them that has "toasted"me.

Sometime ago around 2018 , I was doing my IT in a pharmaceutical company and there was this man ,let's call him Mr A .  I liked mr A because he was smart and we were always vibing and all that but I didn't know Mr A liked me in another dimension lol .We usually joke and play around in the laboratory ,I actually viewed him as a big brother of some sort but Mr A was not seeing me as a sister 😂.

One weekend , he called me to ask if I was at home or if I'd be going out but as the introvert that I am I told him I was home , then he told me he wanted to come visit me in my area that he had some business to do and he wanted to kill two birds with one stone. He sha came around and we met in a restaurant not far from my house. We got talking and gisting and everything was going on well until Mr A became serious and told me he actually came around to see me because he had something important to tell me and he didn't want to tell me at work ,I was like okayyy what could be so serious but i already had an inkling about what he wanted to talk about ,I just didn't want to jump to conclusions.

Anyways the serious talk turned out to be him confessing his love for me , in my head I was like eweeee wetin be this . At that time the man was newly married (1 year married) If the marriage was a couple of years old ,i would have said he probably fell out of love with his wife but broooooo your marriage is just one year ,what could possibly be wrong ?🤷‍♀️

I asked him about his wife and he said he loves his wife but he also loves me too ahh meeeeen 🤮 he said he loved both of us differently and he wanted me to be his baby . A whole me like this . I told him sir with all respect ,i'm a christian and I pray every time how would I be a married man's baby and still be praying to God . He looked at me like i had grown two heads but e no concern me ,he was like he'll take care of me yadayadayada but I wasn't having it ,I can't date someone's husband. The conversation became awkward after that , I made sure I finished my food ,he paid and we went oht separate ways .

The following week at work ,this man started giving me silent treatment ..did I mention that he claimed to be a born again christian and he was even an instrumentalist . Anyways 2 weeks after the incident I gained admission into my current school and I didn't have to face Mr A again. This is just one of the married men that wanted to take care of me .

Moral lesson: stay away from Lagos married men .

Thanks for reading guys 



  1. I’m so proud of you for finishing your food😂😂 but joke apart it’s almost like responsible men are scarce🤦🏽‍♀️Men and lies 5&6😌 why get married when you’re not ready to be committed???
    I just remembered one of my friend that took it upon herself to deal with married cheating men😂😂they kept approaching her and of course she turned them down but at one point she wasn’t having it cause it almost seemed like they swear for her that period and she decided to make example of one on behalf of their wives😂 the rest of the story I won’t share but she was brutal. I’m glad no one died shaa that’s to show you how bad and far she went🤦🏽‍♀️ I don’t think her method was right but deep down I felt this men ought to be taught a lesson😂 but then again it’s not in our hands to do that😌
    What irritates me the most is how society is beginning to see cheating as men’s nature or whatever🤦🏽‍♀️ If you’re not ready to be committed and faithful both men and women then stay single. Simple!!!

  2. You've said it all , if you're not ready to be committed,stay single. Periodt


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