Hi readers...

It's me once again , due to popular demands i'm writing again lol ... The last time I posted was in june, such a long time ago. The past few months have been quite rough and challenging for me but i'm standing strong. Before I go on let me inform you guys about my new status , I am now a REGISTERED NURSE πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³.

Becoming a registered nurse is one of the battles I faced this year , it was quite challenging preparing for the exam because a lot happened. Three weeks before my exam , my mum fell sick and then I started having this overwhelming feeling that I was going to fail my exam . This feeling lingered in my heart for about 2 weeks , anytime I pick up my book to read there's this voice telling me I was going to fail and tbh I don't know why I was scared because i'm not usually scared of exams so this feeling was new to me , I read and prayed and to the glory of God I passed my exam.

To the order of the day , I want to talk about one of the feelings most people feel when the year is coming to an end and that is DISAPPOINTMENT yes you read right. In the beginning of the year some of us already planned out all we want to achieve this year while some people were able to achieve every goal they set for the year , some of us was not able to.

Now I want to talk to those of us that wasn't able to achieve some/most of our goals .Take me for instance , one of my goals is to go to the gym but I haven't stepped foot into any gym at all this year and tbh i'm quite disappointed in myself for not being able to accomplish one of my goals for this year and there are others i haven't accomplished also. I'm certain there are others like me reading this and you've been thinking retrospectively about how this year has been and what you've not been able to do and you're quite disappointed in yourself . Well good news ... a new year is fast approaching and that is another chance to go again however here are some of the things I'd like you to do before the year runs out .

1. Identify the cause i.e the reason(s) why you weren't able to accomplish your goal , one of mine is laziness and inability to stretch myself to the level I know i can reach. I want you to think deeply and meditate to find out the cause.

2. Find out the reason for the cause : I know  this may look somehow but I can explainπŸ™ . I sat down one day and thought about why I am being lazy to go the gym and I realized that I just didn't want to go through the pain and I didn't want to leave my comfort zone also (yet my stomach keeps getting bigger) moreover i realized that I didn't really have a pressing need to go to the gym for . Let me tell you people the truth I just wanted to go to the gym to grow big bum bum  (but who am i to question God since he decided to give me a small one there's absolutely no need to get bigger ones). Back to the point , think about the reason for the cause of you not achieving your goals for this year and we'll get somewhere.

3. Intentionality : After you've gotten your answer for questions 1&2 above , you have to be intentional about your next course of action so that you won't make the same mistake in the coming year.

4. Seek solutions to the problems : you know the problem already now it's left to find solutions , I'd suggest reading books relating to your goals, find and meet people who have faced similar problems as yours and have been able to get through it as they're in positions to offer you practical solutions.

5. Get an accountability partner: I've written about this before , you can read it to know more.

6. The most important of all is the GOD factor , you can't do all of these easily without including God , pray towards your goals, pray for solutions in fact pray about every little thing and I believe there will be changes.

I really hope to see all of us win in this coming year .



  1. 😏😏 Well-said! Disappointment are part of life and they help us reflect on what failed and how to improve to succeed next time. In between— so you wanted a bigger bum πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


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