

 Hi readers... It's me once again , due to popular demands i'm writing again lol ... The last time I posted was in june, such a long time ago. The past few months have been quite rough and challenging for me but i'm standing strong. Before I go on let me inform you guys about my new status , I am now a REGISTERED NURSE 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳. Becoming a registered nurse is one of the battles I faced this year , it was quite challenging preparing for the exam because a lot happened. Three weeks before my exam , my mum fell sick and then I started having this overwhelming feeling that I was going to fail my exam . This feeling lingered in my heart for about 2 weeks , anytime I pick up my book to read there's this voice telling me I was going to fail and tbh I don't know why I was scared because i'm not usually scared of exams so this feeling was new to me , I read and prayed and to the glory of God I passed my exam. To the order of the day , I want to talk about one

God's mercy

 Hi readers 😍 It's another weekend🥂How has our week been?Mine has been pretty good other than the fact that I have an important exam to prepare for and yesterday I wrote a test and forgot to put my name on the test booklet 😂 isn't God good? . These past weeks I have developed an affinity for apostle Joshua Selman's teaching, before I only watch some of his clips online but i'm really invested now and I must say that man is truly a man of God . There's something about his teaching that makes you feel like it's God himself that is teaching you these of the things that has been glued to my mind from one of his teachings is that "God's mercy is powerful but there's a condition to accessing God's mercy and that is brokenness" . It really got to me because it opened my eyes to some of the things believers do and when we don't see results we complain. He said " you're praying for mercy and you believe that you can stil

Breaking out 🪓🪓

 Hi readers 😍  My lovessss how are you all doing?do you guys remember the first story I wrote and I mentioned  something about inconsistency? tbh it has started kicking in and I've been tempted to stop writing but I won't stop because I still love you guys😘😘😘 Last week i went for a friend's birthday party and all I can say is that I'll never be poor in my life . The party started with a dinner with the celebrant and some other close friends , the hotel where the dinner took place was very nice and beautiful . Let me gist you guys ... I and my friend took a cab from where we lodged to the venue of the dinner and on stepping out of the cab tell me why the first persons i saw was a couple ..they were looking so sweet that I almost had diabetes just by looking at them .Anyways we entered the hotel and had to wait for the rest (apparently we were early comers) people started coming later and it was cool,everyone came single then this guy from my class just came with his

Phone call anxiety

 Hi readers😍  It's another week again , I wish yesterday never ended  . Anyways the past week has been a whole lot , I had a drama concert in my fellowship on Wednesday and i'm the one in charge of drama department, so I'd been having rehearsals almost everyday for some  weeks now .It's been a lot guyss but thank God it's over and it was a success Anyways guys, this week we'll be talking about phone call anxiety . I know some of us don't know something like this exists , I found out about it sometime last year when someone on instagram was talking about their experience and I realized that I also experienced some of these symptoms and I still very much do tbh. Most times my phone is always on silent but whenever it isn't and I hear it ring my heart beats a little bit faster regardless of whoever is calling. I never put much thought to it until it became a persistent thing and i stopped picking people's calls deliberately , that was when I knew I hav


 Hi readers😍 Long time no read , it's been a while.. I know . These past weeks I don't know what has been wrong with me , anytime I pick up my phone to write, I end up not writing and this has been happening for two weeks . At first , I had the excuse of writing exams but I'd finished my exams a long time ago so I had no excuse just procrastination and inconsistency kicking in. I and a friend were talking yesterday and she asked me about the blog ,I told her what's happening with me and she encouraged me to just write anything because people are reading it . I've never been more encouraged ...voila here I am writing . You guys should pray for me . Have you ever met someone and you guys just clicked? like you guys just met but you talked and talked for hours without running out of what to say . Well I've met quite a few , one of them being this my friend that encouraged me to write again. The day we started talking to each other was crazy , we attend the same fe

Chronicles of lagos married men

 Hi readers😍 How have you all been? I've been stressed guys! nursing science is after my life , I've been writing exams that's why I've been unable to post . Anyways my exam would be finishing next week so I'd be back to you fully. Lest I forget ,happy new month guys 🥳🥳🥳. I'm sure some of you are wondering why "chronicles of Lagos married men". Yesternight  my roommates and I were talking about men specifically married men and i just decided to write about the shege I've seen in the hands of married men. You guys ,if I'd decided to date all the married men that has approached me in this Lagos ehn I'll be living in banana island ,driving a benz ,have my own supermarket by now but fear of God no gree leave me . Asides from fear of God sef my morals wouldn't allow me date someone's husband , anyways I'll be giving you guys gist about some of them that has "toasted"me. Sometime ago around 2018 , I was doing my IT in a

How parents cause sibling rivalry .

 Hi readers 😍  It's another weekend again, hope we're enjoying it? mine started with house chores and cooking, I prepared semo for the house this morning but the semo wanted to disgrace me 🙆 a whole me that would soon go to my husband's house. Anyways to the glory of God we ate it like that because it's not me that would prepare another one. Next week would make it 3months that we started this journey and it's been wonderful interacting with you guys, you guys kept me going even when i wanted to stop writing . I've been getting so many beautiful reviews from my readers and some even brings me to tears .I love you all. Now to the order of the day ,someone suggested I make my write-ups a little bit lengthier so if this is longer than the usual pls enjoy with me .   Some years back...i, my younger sister,and my mother were walking somewhere and all of a sudden my mother noticed I wasn't wearing earrings and my sister was wearing , she asked me why I wasn'